Why Are Auto Accidents Common on Thanksgiving?

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Auto accidents tend to occur at a more frequent rate over holiday weekends. Of note, data has reported that this especially appears to be the case during the Thanksgiving weekend. It does not necessarily matter when your accident occurs; just that you receive the justice you deserve. Follow along to find out why auto accidents occur more often during this holiday and how a proficient Tampa car accident lawyer at Merricks Law Group, P.A. can help you out of this terrible situation.

Why are auto accidents more common on Thanksgiving weekend?

It just so happens that, unfortunately, drivers tend to act more recklessly during holiday weekends. Examples of why auto accidents are more common on Thanksgiving weekend are as follows:

  • There may be more hectic traffic conditions: with this, more drivers may succumb to road rage. They may tailgate in bumper-to-bumper traffic or make illegal maneuvers to get around traffic jams.
  • There may be more instances of drunk driving: that is, more drivers may get behind the wheel after consuming alcohol at their holiday festivities. They may fail to call a car service or use public transportation.
  • There may be more instances of drowsy driving: that is, more drivers may be traveling great distances to attend their holiday festivities. They may fail to take necessary breaks or shift driving duties with other passengers during the travel.

What approach should I take after my auto accident?

Regardless of whether your accident occurred on Thanksgiving day, or the days preceding or succeeding it, the other driver’s reckless actions are inexcusable. Right away, you must strongly consider pursuing legal action against the negligent driver so that they may be held accountable. What’s more, this may be your only chance to receive financial aid for your incurred injuries and damages. This is especially true if the auto insurance provider denies your initial insurance claim.

This means that you must already be taking serious initiatives, with your personal injury claim in mind, while you are still present at the scene of your auto accident. More specifically, it is wise to take the following approach:

  1. Call 911 so that a law enforcement officer can craft an accident report and so that medical technicians can offer immediate treatment.
  2. Take pictures and videos of your bodily injuries, your car damages, and the general accident scene.
  3. Exchange personal information with the other driver, especially contact information and auto insurance information.
  4. Talk to witnesses who saw the events of your accident and ask for their willingness to provide official statements.
  5. Allow an ambulance to transport you to the emergency room to receive additional treatment.

For your personal injury claim proceedings, please consider contacting a talented Tampa auto accident lawyer. Our team at Merricks Law Group, P.A. is ready and willing to assist you.

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