What Injuries Commonly Result from a Car Accident?

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It is unfortunate to know just how common car accidents are on Florida roads. But what may be even more unfortunate is how often these accidents result in serious, if not fatal, bodily injuries. Follow along to find out the most common types of bodily injuries and how a proficient Tampa car accident lawyer at Merricks Law Group, P.A. can help you recuperate from yours.

What are the most common types of car accidents on Florida roads?

First of all, you must be versed in the types of car accidents that most commonly result in bodily injuries. Their descriptions are as follows:

  • A rear-end collision: this is when a forward-moving car crashes into the back of another car. Here, the driver in the rear usually bears fault.
  • A head-on collision: this is when the front ends of two cars crash into each other when traveling in opposite directions. Here, the driver traveling in the wrong direction usually bears fault.
  • A T-bone collision: this is when the front end of one car crashes into the side of another car. Here, the driver on the side usually bears fault.

What bodily injuries result from the common types of car accidents?

Simply put, you may incur different bodily injuries depending on how the other car collided with yours.

For example, if the front of the other car collided with the back of yours (i.e., rear-end collision), you may have injured your neck or back. This is because the unexpected impact from behind may have caused your neck to aggressively snap back and forth, along with causing your back to contort unnaturally. Specifically, you may have gotten whiplashed or a lower back muscle strain.

Secondly, if the front of the other car collided with the front of yours (i.e., head-on collision), you may have injured your head. This is because the abrupt break in motion may have caused your head to bang against the steering wheel. Unfortunately, even if your airbag went off, its sheer force may have still caused your head injury. With this, your head injury may be as minor as a concussion or as major as a traumatic brain injury.

Lastly, if the front of the other car collided with the side of yours (i.e., T-bone collision), you may have incurred chest injuries. This is because, unfortunately, the side of your car offers less protection to your torso than the front or rear. That said, you may have broken some ribs or received damage to your heart or lungs.

Arguably the most important action you must remember to take is hiring a talented Tampa auto accident lawyer. Our team at Merricks Law Group, P.A. is looking forward to working with you.

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