Do Certain Age Groups Cause More Car Accidents Than Others? | Hillsborough County, FL Car Accident Lawyer

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More often than not, car accidents are caused by human error. And with this, there is likely always an at-fault party to blame. But the question remains if certain age groups are more commonly at fault than others. Read on to discover what age groups cause the most car accidents and how a seasoned Tampa car accident lawyer at Merricks Law Group, P.A., can help you through your claims process. 

What age groups cause more car accidents than others in Florida?

One may assume that elderly drivers cause more car accidents than others. This is because the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles (FDHSMV) has special laws in place for drivers 80 years of age and older. These drivers must pass a vision test performed by a medical professional upon renewing their license, along with the following:

  • Their vehicle needs an additional left-side rearview mirror.
  • Their vehicle needs an automatic transmission.
  • Their vehicle needs power steering.
  • Their vehicle needs mechanical directional signals.
  • Their vehicle needs a knob or drips on their steering wheel.
  • Their vehicle needs hand controls or pedal extensions.
  • Their vehicle needs seat cushions.
  • They must wear hearing aids while driving.
  • They cannot drive at nighttime.

Even though these special laws are enforced, the FDHSMV has still released information regarding young adults being the most commonly reported age group that causes car accidents in the state of Florida. In 2018, young adults alone were to blame for approximately 79,457 crashes.

What are the common causes of car accidents among age groups in Florida?

Each age group is known to commonly cause car accidents in different ways. Examples of common causes are as follows:

  • Teenage drivers:
    • Inexperienced driving. 
    • Texting while driving.
    • Distracted driving with other passengers in the vehicle. 
  • Young adult drivers:
    • Driving while under the influence of drugs or alcohol. 
    • Driving while drowsy or fatigued. 
    • Driving recklessly (i.e., speeding, tailgating, etc). 
  • Elderly drivers:
    • Impaired vision with interpreting traffics signs and signals. 
    • Inability to maintain their lane. 
    • Driving significantly less than the enforced speed limit. 

What is the statute of limitations for filing my car accident claim?

Regardless of who is to blame for your car accident, you are entitled to the financial compensation that you require to heal your injuries and damages. This can be done with a successful personal injury claim, so long as you ensure that it is filed on time. That is, the statute of limitations for such a claim in the state of Florida is generally four years from the date of your accident. Otherwise, you may be permanently barred from suing. 

So to make sure that you file everything necessary for your claim in a timely manner, you must retain the services of a competent Hillsborough County personal injury lawyer today.

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