Even if you were in a minor fender-bender, you must take it seriously. This is because you may notice injuries or damages on your car that you did not initially identify at the scene of your accident. Continue reading to learn why you should call the police to the scene of your accident and how an experienced Tampa auto accident lawyer at Merricks Law Group, P.A. can guide you with the rest.
Why should I call the police to the scene of my auto accident?
One of the main reasons why you should call the police to the scene of your auto accident is so they can conduct an official accident report. Essentially, this report documents the details of your accident. And this information may become crucial when filing your insurance claim, your personal injury claim, or both. Without further ado, the police will fill the official accident report with the following content:
- The date, time, and location of your accident.
- The diagram of the accident (i.e., the positioning of the vehicles when they collided).
- The location of damage to all vehicles involved.
- The statements made by all parties involved, along with witnesses.
- The identifying information of all parties involved, along with witnesses (i.e., names, phone numbers, mailing addresses, insurance company information, etc).
- The citations or violations of the law involved, if applicable (i.e., a driver was under the influence of drugs or alcohol).
- Any hazardous conditions involved, if applicable (i.e., dangerous inclement weather, visibility, or roadways).
- Any admittance of fault by a party involved, if applicable.
- Any opinion as to who or what caused the accident.
What else should I do while still at the scene?
The police will handle a lot on your behalf at the scene of your auto accident. But it is best that you do some independent work, as well, especially if you intend to file a claim. You must take the following initiatives while still at the scene:
- Take photos and videos of your injuries, your car’s damages, and the overall scene of your accident.
- Collect contact information and insurance information from all other drivers involved in your accident.
- Ask present witnesses to testify to the officer at the scene of your accident.
- Allow paramedics and EMTs to care for you at the scene and transport you to the emergency room.
- Schedule follow-up appointments with your physician as directed, and collect copies of your medical documents and bills along the way.
- Submit your personal injury claim before Florida’s statute of limitations of two years.
A skilled Hillsborough County personal injury lawyer at Merricks Law Group, P.A. is here whenever you are ready to initiate your claim. Simply contact our firm at your earliest possible convenience.