What to Do If You Have Been Injured in an Accident With a Drunk Driver

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If you have been injured in an auto accident due to a drunk driver, you are likely eligible to recover compensation. To learn more about filing a successful personal injury claim with the assistance of our experienced Tampa drunk driving accident lawyer, continue reading.

What steps should I take if I have been injured in an accident with a drunk driver?

Take the following steps while you are still at the scene of the accident to increase your chances of filing a successful personal injury claim:

  1. Alert the authorities. The police will document the incident by recording a police report. They will also likely breathalyze the other driver which can significantly support your future claim.
  2. Seek immediate medical attention.
  3. Collect all medical documentation relating to your treatment. These documents should include the date, time, and severity of your injures.
  4. Take pictures of the damage done to any vehicles or property as well as your injuries.
  5. Collect the negligent party’s insurance information if possible.
  6. If there were any witnesses to your accident, collect their contact information.
  7. Retain the services of a knowledgeable Hillsborough County personal injury lawyer who will work to satisfy the burden of proof to recover the compensation you require to heal.

What compensation am I eligible to recover?

When filing a personal injury lawsuit, it is possible to recover compensation for both physical and emotional trauma including the following :

  • Noneconomical damages:
    • Pain and suffering
    • Emotional distress
    • The loss of enjoyment of life
  • Medical expenses
  • Lost wages

What are dram shop laws for?

Florida’s dram shop laws are put into place to prevent bars, restaurants, and vendors from serving alcohol to individuals who are already visibly intoxicated or under the drinking age of 21. It is the establishment’s responsibility to refuse service to these individuals under these circumstances. If the establishment fails to refuse service and the individual goes on to cause an accident, they can be held liable by the victim(s) of the accident in a third-party lawsuit.

What is the statute of limitations for personal injury drunk driver accident claims in Florida?

The statute of limitations for personal injury claims in Florida is generally four years. This means that you will have four years from the date of your car accident to bring attention to your personal injury claim. Failure to file your claim within this timeframe may result in you being permanently time-barred from taking legal action. The sooner you can bring attention to your claim, the better. To get started as soon as possible, reach out to our dedicated Hillsborough County personal injury lawyer. Our legal team is prepared to fight for your right to compensation.

Contact Our Experienced Florida Firm

If you have been injured in an accident due to no fault of your own, you need an attorney who truly cares about your right to heal. Merricks Law Group handles a wide array of injury claims, including injuries sustained in auto accidents, slip and falls, and more. Contact Merricks Law Group today.

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