Understandably so, you may be focused on your personal healing journey in the times following your car accident. But what you may not initially understand is that taking legal action may be part of this healing journey. So you must also consider adding a personal injury claim to the mix, especially with the state of Florida’s statute of limitations speedily approaching (i.e., two years from the date of which your accident occurred). Follow along to find out the personal initiatives you can take to manage your pain and how a proficient Tampa car accident lawyer at Merricks Law Group, P.A. can help you with your legal pursuit.
What personal initiatives can I take to manage pain after a car accident?
You must take the initiative to manage your pain almost immediately after your car accident. This is important to do because you do not want your pain to become chronic or otherwise untreatable. Without further ado, it is in your best interest to take the following steps:
- Allow EMTs to administer initial medical treatments while still at the scene of your car accident.
- Allow paramedics to transport you from the accident scene to the emergency room for additional medical treatments.
- Schedule follow-up appointments with your primary care provider and follow their recommended treatment plan:
- Take the pain relief medications prescribed to you.
- Attend chiropractic or physical therapy sessions.
- Receive steroid injections as ordered.
- Undergo surgeries as deemed necessary.
- See a therapist to talk through your emotional pain.
- Take initiatives to manage your pain at home:
- Regularly apply ice to your pain points.
- Purchase over-the-counter medications.
- Avoid lifting heavy objects.
- Sleep a full eight hours every night.
- Journal about the feelings you have post-accident.
How can taking legal action help with my pain management?
Effectively taking care of yourself may require a serious financial commitment. For example, you may have to pay out-of-pocket for medical services that your health insurance does not cover, such as chiropractic sessions. In addition, you may be unable to maintain gainful employment activity for weeks, months, or even years as you are recovering; this is especially true if your field of work requires physical labor.
For reasons like these, you should seriously think about incorporating a personal injury claim into your pain management plan. This is so the negligent driver can pay for your medical bills, your lost wages, and otherwise the financial compensation you require to reach a full recovery.
All in all, you may be intimidated by the road to recovery that lies ahead of you. One way to make this easier is to have a talented Tampa auto accident lawyer stand by you. Contact Merricks Law Group, P.A. at your earliest possible convenience.