What Are Possible Injuries from a Pedestrian Accident?

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It is an unfortunately dangerous situation whenever a pedestrian crosses the road and shares it with a motor vehicle driver. This is especially the case when one or both parties are negligent in upholding their duty of care when on the road. Ultimately, such a dangerous situation, with one or more negligent parties involved, may result in serious injuries and other damages. Read on to discover the possible injuries that might result and how a seasoned Tampa pedestrian accident lawyer at Merricks Law Group, P.A. can help you recuperate from yours.

What are possible injuries that might result from a pedestrian accident?

Pedestrians may be left vulnerable upon impact with a motor vehicle. This may make their injuries more severe than those of the motor vehicle driver involved, who is protected by the seatbelt, airbag, and the vehicle itself. Nonetheless, below are possible injuries that both parties might take on in the aftermath of a pedestrian accident:

  • As a pedestrian made a victim of a pedestrian accident, you may incur the following injuries:
    • You may incur a traumatic brain injury upon hitting your head against the motor vehicle’s windshield on impact.
    • You may incur broken bones or bone fractures upon the blunt impact of hitting the pavement.
    • You may incur internal organ damage upon the sheer impact of the motor vehicle.
  • As a motor vehicle driver made a victim of a pedestrian accident, you may incur the following injuries:
    • You may incur a head injury due to the aggressive strike your head may make against the steering wheel or airbag upon impact.
    • You may incur a neck injury due to the swift, back-and-forth whipping motion your neck makes upon impact.
    • You may incur a spinal cord injury due to the unnatural way your back contorts upon impact.

What can I do to recuperate from my injuries after my accident?

Simply because pedestrians may suffer from greater injuries does not necessarily mean that they always take on the role of the victims in pedestrian accidents. Rather, it is a very real possibility that a pedestrian may have solely caused this accident to occur in the first place.

So regardless of whether you were a pedestrian or motor vehicle driver, if you were made the victim of a pedestrian accident, you must fight to recuperate from your injuries via a personal injury claim. This may require you to establish the fault of the other party. Namely, this may be by producing a copy of your accident report, oral and written testimonies by eyewitnesses, and more. This may also require you to establish the extent of the injuries that you are now suffering from. Namely, this may be by producing copies of your medical bills, statements by your attending physicians, and more.

Whenever you are ready, a competent Tampa auto accident lawyer is here to provide legal assistance. So please schedule your initial consultation with us at Merricks Law Group, P.A. today.

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